26 December 2014


Well, I did mean to write here more, but what can I say. I'm a single mom with an 8 year old and a two year old. I was in AU and am now in a pre-apprenticeship program for carpentry. Those two things take up most of my time right there. Add in all of my other goings-on and I'm one busy person.

I am going to try to get on here regularly though. Thinking about starting another page for my academic stuff. I build things. It's all very interesting.

I'm actually learning a hell of a lot and am really enjoying the program. I don't know what I'm going to do with it once I'm done, but my options are pretty endless.

Once I pass the exemption test, I will have learned everything a Level 1 carpentry apprentice should know. I guess basically I have two main options. Work or go back to school.

I'm inclined to think I'll work, but depending on what I learn this coming semester, we'll see.

In second semester we spend some hours learning the basics of the other trades (plumbing, electrical, masonry, HVAC) and I am just itching to get into the masonry building. I have absolutely no interest in the others, so spending that time is going to suck. But, it will be good to know at least the basics.

I do know that I am not going to be a roofer. Shingles and I don't get along at all. And I have the marks to prove it.

In April we do a 10 week work placement. I can work basically anywhere, as long as it has something to do with carpentry. I've heard that some people have worked at Home Depot.

My ex works at a place that cuts and finishes wood (for chairs, tables, etc). He's put a good word in with his boss, so I'm hoping I'll be able to do my placement there. I don't think I'd mind sanding wood for 10 weeks.

Christmas went well. This was the first year Miss was with her dad for Eve and Morning, so it was pretty quiet here Wednesday night. We did our gifts at home this morning then had a family dinner. Tomorrow we do a lunch with my other side. And then both kids go to Bub's grandma's house for a few days. Which means I'm going to be all alone. For days, even.

I don't know what the hell I'm going to do.

And then in 9 days I will be 26 years old. I'm not excited, per se, but I'm not freaking out anymore about getting older.

It's getting on 11:30 so that's all for tonight. Merry Christmas everyone!

03 May 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 54.

54. In the haste of your daily life, what are you not seeing?

I think, how smart and wonderful my daughter is. I forget too often. I need to stop picking the little things and start seeing the bigger picture.

365 Day Challenge; day 53.

53. What is the most defining moment of your life thus far?

I don't know if I can answer that one. There have been quite a few moments in my life where things could have happened and gone so much differently.

365 Day Challenge; day 52.

52. What impact do you want to leave on the world?

I want my kids and grandkids to remember me as a good person. A person that helps others, that does good things, that has something nice to say to and about others. I want them to look up to me.

365 Day Challenge; day 51.

51. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

Fear of judgement or consequences? Could be a number of things. Depends on the mistake I think.

365 Day Challenge; day 50.

50. Can you describe your life in a six word sentence?

I thought life was coming together.

Not so much anymore.

25 April 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 49.

49. Where do you find inspiration?

Anywhere really. Life experiences, certain situations, t.v, books, radio, movies. Everywhere.

365 Day Challenge; day 48.

48. What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?

Prejudice. It's terrible and makes people hate others for no reason.

365 Day Challenge; day 47.

47. What has life taught you recently?

That's a hard one to put into words.

Even though your loved ones say they respect your decisions, they may not actually do so.

Closest I can get.

365 Day Challenge; day 46.

46. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

I'd say both, tied together. I worry about doing the right things, the right way.

365 Day Challenge; day 45

45. What do you want most?

To be happy in all aspects of my life.

21 April 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 44.

44. Is stealing to feed a starving child wrong?

No, I don't think so.

365 Day Challenge; day 43.

43. What are you most grateful for?

My life.

365 Day Challenge; day 42.

42. What is the most desirable trait another person can possess?

That's a good question. There are so many.

I would have to say knowing how to be tactfully honest.

365 Day Challenge; day 41.

41. If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?

Life gets better after high school.

365 Day Challenge; day 40.

40. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

I'd have to say a joyful simpleton. What's the use in being a genius when all you do is worry?

20 April 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 39.

39. What does ‘The American Dream’ mean to you?

Seeing as I live in Canada, I'll try to answer this one best I can.

To me, the American Dream would be living free from judgement. It would be living free from hypocrisy and fear. It would mean being able to love, marry and have children with whomever you choose. It would mean what America was founded on; Government ruled free of religion.

It was a nice ideal, but The American Dream will never happen as long as human beings exist.

365 Day Challenge; day 38.

38. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

I haven't a clue.

Everyone has a different way of doing even the most general thing. It would be hard to figure out if I do something different.

365 Day Challenge; day 37.

37. When was the last time you listened to the sound of your own breathing?

Actually, just a bit ago.

In my program we did a workshop and for a few minutes had to sit, breathe and listen to our bodies.

Very trancing.

365 Day Challenge; day 36.

36. Which is worse, failing or never trying?

In the majority of cases, never trying. It's failing before you even step up to the plate.

365 Day Challenge; day 35

35. What is important enough to go to war over?

Honestly, nothing.

War means dead people. People that have loved ones back home grieving for them.

I believe most wars are bred out of fear and jealousy, neither of which is going to win anything.

/end hiatus

I had really and seriously meant to answer a question every day, but life gets in the way sometimes.

I finished my program, yay for me! Have a spanking new certificate hanging on my wall.

I'm starting Academic Upgrading on the 28th to help me prepare myself for the next program I want to get into.

The kids are healthy and well. We've all got some kind of icky chest cold, but otherwise, we're all fab.

Still seeing my boyfriend. 3 1/3 months so far. Woo hoo.

I've started a new page on my blog so I'll be coming on here much more often. Hopefully I'll start cranking out some new stories as well.

I'm thinking I'll post 5 questions a day until I'm all caught up.

Cheers xo

03 February 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 34.

34. Would you rather have less work or more work you actually enjoy doing?

This doesn't make sense. If I enjoy doing it I wouldn't really care how much work there is.

02 February 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 33.

33. If you could choose one book as a mandatory read for all high school students, which book would you choose?

The Bible!

No lol.

That's a good question. I'm not really sure. Everyone has different preferences.

365 Day Challenge; day 32.

32. What do we all have in common besides our genes that makes us human?

I would say I have no idea. I think you could group everyone together but there's always that one person that doesn't follow the rule.

31 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 31.

31. If the average human lifespan was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

I would have gotten a lot more done before now. Lived more, seen more.

30 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 30.

30. If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would your message be?

Love yourself, because if you don't no one else truly will.

29 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 29.

29. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

Probably. Depends on how the future goes though. Once the kids are grown I am definitely going to do more than say.

365 Day Challenge; day 28.

Got a little side tracked yesterday with all the stuff I had to do. So here it is!

28. What makes you smile?

People, things, memories, stuff. I dunno. Lots of things.

27 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 27.

27. Would you break the law to save a loved one?

Depends on the loved one and the law being broken.

26 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 26.

26. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

Probably older than I am. I feel very old some days.

25 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 25.

25. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards and just do what you know is right?

When it's a decision that could potentially hurt someone. Then you need to buck up and just do what's right.

24 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 24.

24. When you are 80-years-old, what will matter to you the most?

When I'm 80? Jeez, I have no idea. Probably my family.

23 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 23.

23. Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?

Pain, embarrassment, regret, dark icky things. I need to just let go and move on. Unfortunately, easier said than done.

22 January 2014

365 Day Challenge, day 22.

22. What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?

My kids, definitely. It may not have been the right time to have either of them but they complete my life in a way that nothing else ever could.

21 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 21.

21. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

Lord, I don't know. I'm terrible with trying to teach people things. I get impatient when they don't understand right away.

Maybe a sport, where I can show instead of tell.

20 January 2014

365Day Challenge; day 20.

20. Which activities make you lose track of time?

Reading, definitely. I can read for hours and have no idea where they went.

Depending on the other person, talking on the phone. If it's good conversation I don't know where the minutes go.

19 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 19.

19. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow this person to be your friend?

Probably not long.

It's amazing what I'll accept from myself but wouldn't dream of accepting from another person.

18 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 18.

18. Is it possible to lie without saying a word?

Yes, of course it is. It's called lying by omission. A lie is a lie, no matter what is said or isn't.

17 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 17.

17. What does your joy look like today?

My joy looks like a big silly grin that's been on my face for about two weeks straight.

16 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 16.

16. Have you done anything lately worth remembering?

Worth remembering? Hmm, I don't know.

I'm really not sure.

15 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 15.

15. If not now, then when?


Not sure what exactly this is talking about.

14 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 14.

14. What is the difference between living and existing?

To me, living is appreciating your life and making something of it. Existing can be done by anyone as it involves no effort.

13 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 13.

13. Do you celebrate the things you do have?

I try to. I'm not poor, I have a few nice things, I've got some great, supportive friends and family, my kids are fantastic, we're all in good health. Things are good.

365 Day Challenge; day 12.

12. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?


I'm not really sure.

Maybe come out with my relationship sooner. It's not taboo or crazy, but it's not "normal" per se.

Oh well.

365 Day Challenge; day 11.

Super busy weekend, just sitting down now. Started my course this morning so the next 14 weeks are also going to be busy. WoO!

11. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

I think it depends on the situation. If you cry over everything it's not a strength and there may be something more going on. But it's not a weakness to cry at least some point in your life.

10 January 2014

365 Blog Challenge; day 10.

10. What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

I'm gonna say... standing up for myself. Being a mom of two and having to deal with the people I've dealt with the last two years has really made me come into my own.

09 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 9.

9. What’s a belief that you hold with which many people disagree?

Good question. Cause I have no idea.

I suppose there's always circumcision. That one always brings the crazies out.

I am against, by the way.

08 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 8.

8. Who do you love and what are you doing about it?

Obviously excluding family and certain friends, I don't love anyone. There's a person that I like but I'm definitely not at love yet.

07 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 7.

7. Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know?

I feel like I ask enough questions for the level of my understanding, if that makes sense. I'll ask things until I'm satisfied with an answer. Sometimes I don't always think of a question that would have been a good one to ask, though.

06 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 6.

6. What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?

I was 20 and had a 2 year old. I hadn't graduated high school, so maybe finishing it sooner would have given me more options and my life would be different now. But, you never know.

05 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 5.

5. What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

I've learned a few of those, actually. In simplest terms, the lesson is to not trust anyone. Which in itself, is a sad life lesson to learn.

365 Day Challenge, day 4.

Yesterday was my birthday and I was pretty busy so I didn't get on the computer much. Here's yesterday's question.

4. What gets you excited about life?

Life gets me excited about life. The possibilities of what will happen.

03 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 3.

3. What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say?

Good question.

I'm not sure really. Different situations call for different advice or opinions. So one sensible thing wouldn't necessarily be the most sensible for another thing.

02 January 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 2.

2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?

I don't think there's anyone specific, really. I don't stand in front of the mirror and think "Oh, Pink's boobs look so much better than mine." (just as an example). I mainly compare me to myself. It's a bad habit.

01 January 2014

365 Day Challenge, day 1.

I think it would be kind of neat to have a blog post from every single day of the year, to reflect on next year to see how far I've come and such like that. So thus, I stumbled across this 365 day "thought invoking" questionnaire. At the end of the year I'll likely condense multiple posts into a big one to save on space.

Here goes!

1. When was the last time you tried something new?

Last night, actually. I don't usually like games where I have to act things out but I was drinking and playing Partini and ended up getting a bunch of the Mime cards.

Maybe that doesn't count. I dunno lol.

By the way, Happy New Year everyone! I hope the year is everything you want it to be and more.