I got a laser pointer today for the cat. I've been having a grand ol' time running it around the house, watching her chase it. It's fantastic.
I also got her collar tag today. It's a little mouse with hers, mine and my phone number on it. So if she ever goes missing, or jumps out the window like my old cat, someone can call and let me know they found her.
Yeah, I live in an apartment building on the second storey. Sass, bless him, jumped out the window and was never seen again.
I didn't even notice until the next day because he liked to climb under my bed and hide up in there. I think I noticed because his food wasn't being eaten.
On another note, I found out my blood iron is so low I'm almost anemic (that's bad). I went to see a doctor today and all he told me is to take an iron supplement. Well nawww, really doc? Didn't you know I like being tired all the damned time? No? Well, now you do!
*insert eyeroll here*
Seriously though. Your iron is supposed to be between 80 and 300. 31 to 79 is iron deficient, 0 - 30 is anemic, 300+ is iron *whatever the word for too much of it is*. Mine is a 30-freaking-1. Are we not a little concerned here? My mom's was a 70 and her doctor sent her iron infusions, for pete's sake. But no, because my B12 and hemoglobin are within normal range, we're not worried at all and a supplement should clear that right up!
Whatever, doc. I'm gonna try the pills and see how they work though. Cause I really would like to not be tired all day. That'd sure be swell.
Peace out. xo