School holidays are officially over and tomorrow Princess goes back to school.
Thank the Gods.
I got the apartment! My move in date is February the 2nd. Yay! :) I'm ecstatic. The square footage of the apartment itself is a little smaller, but I'm gaining a storage room, a balcony that I don't have to share, some big closets and most importantly... a third bedroom! Bub will be sleeping with me for a while but once he finally does move into his own room, he'll have one to move into.
So since we're moving it's going to be pretty busy around here. Packing and cleaning and getting stuff arranged for the new place. I'm going to the Hydro office tomorrow and will call my internet/cable/phone provider tomorrow, if I remember.
Bub is getting bigger and stronger every single damn day. He's wanting to sit up now so I'll need to get him some sort of device to help him do so. A Bumbo, probably. Or something with a tray attachment.
I had a pretty low-key birthday. Princess had a friend sleep over the night before. I showed her the new apartment, which she is very excited about, then was picked up to go to her dad's for the weekend. After my mom got off work she took me to get paint. Came back home and stayed in for the night. My mom takes me out for dinner for my birthday every year. This year we're going to Red Lobster :)
Bub gets his 4 month needles tomorrow. And I will probably cry more than he will because I'm a big wuss.
Even though school starts again tomorrow and I'm happy routine will be back to normal soon, I am not looking forward to dragging myself and the kids into the cold in the morning. I wish we could travel by Floo Powder, like they do in Harry Potter, haha. Wouldn't that be something.
Until next time.