Names you picked out for your kids when you were younger. Bonus: share any name ideas you have now.
Actually I had never really thought about future kid names when I was younger. I never really imagined myself with kids at all until I was pregnant.
If I hadn't of gotten pregnant at 17 I don't think I would have wanted any for a long while, if at all. Teen pregnancy kind of shoved me into that ideal quick.
So since I can't answer that question very well, I'll tell you how I picked my kid's names.
For Princess I looked through a baby name book. I picked 10 boy and 10 girl names and then matched up a first and middle from those lists. If she'd been a boy her name would have been Liam Mitchell. Her dad had a small say but we broke up during the pregnancy so I could have named her whatever I wanted. I did, in a way I suppose.
For Bub it was a little more complicated. His dad had very specific ideas about what name he wanted, which I didn't like at all. We went through a lot of compromising before figuring that I would pick the boy's first name and he the middle (or middles, in his case). And then he would pick the girl's first and I would pick the middle(s).
His idol is Bob Marley, so he picked Marley as the girl's first name. I don't particularly like it so I'm really kind of glad Bub is a boy. I had picked Lia Scarlett as middle names to go with Marley.
He wanted two family names for the boy's middle. I don't like either of them but that's what compromising is all about, right? So I picked two first names I loved and told him to pick from those. I wanted Clayton, because I love the name Clay, but he ended up picking the other name. Both were from my two favourite books. By the time it came to name Bub his dad and I weren't on speaking terms so I gave him the middle name I wanted.
Bonus: I got fixed in April so I no longer have to think about any of that. Thank goodness, because the last time almost drove me insane.