Since I haven't been on the blog lately I thought I'd do another round of questions. I have a year long list for 2014 so this one will be condensed into just the remaining week and some of the year.
1. Sexual orientation.
I'm going to say straight with a little wrinkle of bi-curious in there. I find females attractive and have kissed a few, but don't think I'd want to go any further than that.
2. Something I'm really bad at.
Managing things. Time, money, everything else.
3. The person's whose arms I'd like to be in.
You don't get a name, but there is someone I'd like to be with right now.
4. My best first date.
I haven't been on many. I think the most interesting one was with a guy that worked in a restaurant. He was on the clock and was making me dinner when the transformer blew in the kitchen. All I see is a bright flash of light and then hear "What the fuck was that?!" We got to hang out for a bit cause he couldn't cook any food.
5. A description of my self esteem.
Oh, boy. I don't know. I'm pretty good with who I am and where I am. There are things I'd like to change of course, but they're pretty minor.
6. Who my best friends are.
Rain. No brainer. We've only known each other a few years but we're pretty much soul mates.
Lisa. I've known her the longest, some 20 years now.
Brenna. Known her the shortest but we've developed into good friends.
Jenn. We don't talk much any more but she was there for me through a lot.
7. My favourite book.
I honestly don't think I have a favourite. I like certain authors, but book? Can't pick.