No excuses. I suck. It's been a very busy, very stressful year.
I have a 9 year old and a 3 year old. I'm going to be 27 in 5 days. Not much planned for my birthday, although I have a tentative date in the works.
I finished my carpentry program in April and passed everything no problem. I got my official confirmation a few weeks ago that I'm a level one apprentice. I worked for a month after that and because of the boss I had, I hated it. He made working for him very hard. Hopefully the next time I venture into the trades I find a boss that's a little more accommodating.
From September to just a couple weeks ago I was in a masonry program. I learned a hell of a lot and really enjoyed it. I write the level one exemption next month. Fingers crossed I do well.
Christmas was pretty low key. Ma'am spent some time with her dad and Bub is currently with his Nana. Back to school/daycare for them come Monday and back to job searching for me.
Not sure what my immediate future holds. I have some court issues I need to deal with and I'm really hoping everything goes smoothly. It hasn't thus far, so it can only go up, right?
A couple months ago I stumbled across a YouTube channel that does poetry slams (I believe they're called). I wrote a bunch of pieces and posted them to the writing section of my blog. It's been very therapeutic, surprisingly. I wouldn't say it's helped me figure anything out, but it's easier to admit these things and say them somewhere other than my own head.
Oh, I adopted two cats. They're brothers from the same litter. Peanut Butter and Jelly. I named them. PB has been nicknamed Garfield because he's so fat (he's orange but he's missing the dark stripes). Both are serious cuddle bugs and love attention. Both are also jerks and cause havoc around the apartment. Jelly is a vulture and will eat anything. He also tips over the water bowl (often enough that it sits in the tub). PB is very vocal and gets into everything. I love them both.
I might start a weekly question thing on the 1st, to keep the blog active. I'm in the writing section so I figure why not.
But it's 1 AM and I need to be up early. Goodnight!