It's amazing how busy one can be when they don't work every day.
My life. I'm still not working but my days fill up so quickly. Some I leave to just do nothing, but more often than not I've got something going on.
I got braces about 4 months ago and today I got new wires, bumpers, a power cable and elastics. My mouth feels full and is so very sore.
It's almost the end of the school year for my 9 year old. Her last day is next Wednesday. The boy will stay in day care until he starts JK, because of his language issues. He needs the routine, interaction and consistency.
Summer is filling right up with activities. Ma'am is going to 3 separate day camps this summer. Two of them are in July. We're going to try to go to the beach and hopefully fishing once or twice. And she'll probably do a bunch of fun things with her dad as well.
I've already gotten my first burn of the season, and it was a good one. Bubbles and peeling skin all over my chest, shoulders and upper back. Delicious.
Oh I'm getting married! Huge surprise, actually. I was very undecided on the topic and honestly still kind of am. It's more important to J than it is to me. He's been married once and never planned to do it again, so it's a big thing for him to want to take that step. I can do that for him.
We're having a JP ceremony this summer and then a big reception next Spring. With where my life is going right now it makes more sense to do it this way. And we're both happy with it.
Still working on the court stuff. The main issue is that no one can find him, which makes taking him to court a tad difficult. J did spot him a few weeks ago randomly so I know he hasn't left the city. It's just a matter of tracking him down now.
My cats, actually one or both, impregnated a female a couple months ago and she had the kittens last month. I've decided to keep one and I'm calling him/her Fritter. Cutest little thing. I'm hoping for a girl kitty.
Until next time.