43. Do I like where I am right now.
For the most part, yes. It would be nice to get my career started and whatnot, but overall, yes.
44. What can I hear right now.
The kids being child tornadoes.
45. My relationship with my sibling.
We're good now. We talk and get along. It took a long time though.
46. Who was your first boyfriend.
If I'm recalling correctly, his name was Kyle. We were in grade 9. Our first date was to see The Butterfly Effect. We dated for 3 or 4 months before I broke up with him. Yeah, that was about it.
47. My biggest worry currently.
Currently, it's getting daycare figured out before I start school on the 13th. I have a potential sitter but nothing is set down yet.
48. Something I've wished for repeatedly.
Oh, a bunch of things.
49. My relationship with my parents.
I haven't talked to my dad in over 3 years.
I talk to my mom every day and see her multiple times a week. We're quiet close. Now that I'm an adult and have kids of my own we're more like friends than mother/daughter.