Well this is it for the holiday fun! Tomorrow starts the year long set of questions I know you're all dying to read.
50. What words make me feel the best about myself.
Smart, creative, funny. I'm gonna be shallow a second and say pretty or beautiful. Organized, ambitious, reliable.
51. Something I should have said a long time ago.
I've said it, but I should have listened to myself; Never give someone more power over you than you have over yourself.
52. What my last text message says.
To me: "Hi Stephanie!" he says.
From me: Hey stud.
53. What I hate most about myself.
What a loaded question.
54. Biggest turn ons.
Intelligence, knowing what you want and going for it, being reliable, compassion. All I can think of at the moment.
55. What words upset me the most.
Words? I have no idea. There aren't many specific single words that upset me.
56. What I hated the most about school.
The other students. People suck.