25 April 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 49.

49. Where do you find inspiration?

Anywhere really. Life experiences, certain situations, t.v, books, radio, movies. Everywhere.

365 Day Challenge; day 48.

48. What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?

Prejudice. It's terrible and makes people hate others for no reason.

365 Day Challenge; day 47.

47. What has life taught you recently?

That's a hard one to put into words.

Even though your loved ones say they respect your decisions, they may not actually do so.

Closest I can get.

365 Day Challenge; day 46.

46. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

I'd say both, tied together. I worry about doing the right things, the right way.

365 Day Challenge; day 45

45. What do you want most?

To be happy in all aspects of my life.

21 April 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 44.

44. Is stealing to feed a starving child wrong?

No, I don't think so.

365 Day Challenge; day 43.

43. What are you most grateful for?

My life.

365 Day Challenge; day 42.

42. What is the most desirable trait another person can possess?

That's a good question. There are so many.

I would have to say knowing how to be tactfully honest.

365 Day Challenge; day 41.

41. If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?

Life gets better after high school.

365 Day Challenge; day 40.

40. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

I'd have to say a joyful simpleton. What's the use in being a genius when all you do is worry?

20 April 2014

365 Day Challenge; day 39.

39. What does ‘The American Dream’ mean to you?

Seeing as I live in Canada, I'll try to answer this one best I can.

To me, the American Dream would be living free from judgement. It would be living free from hypocrisy and fear. It would mean being able to love, marry and have children with whomever you choose. It would mean what America was founded on; Government ruled free of religion.

It was a nice ideal, but The American Dream will never happen as long as human beings exist.

365 Day Challenge; day 38.

38. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

I haven't a clue.

Everyone has a different way of doing even the most general thing. It would be hard to figure out if I do something different.

365 Day Challenge; day 37.

37. When was the last time you listened to the sound of your own breathing?

Actually, just a bit ago.

In my program we did a workshop and for a few minutes had to sit, breathe and listen to our bodies.

Very trancing.

365 Day Challenge; day 36.

36. Which is worse, failing or never trying?

In the majority of cases, never trying. It's failing before you even step up to the plate.

365 Day Challenge; day 35

35. What is important enough to go to war over?

Honestly, nothing.

War means dead people. People that have loved ones back home grieving for them.

I believe most wars are bred out of fear and jealousy, neither of which is going to win anything.

/end hiatus

I had really and seriously meant to answer a question every day, but life gets in the way sometimes.

I finished my program, yay for me! Have a spanking new certificate hanging on my wall.

I'm starting Academic Upgrading on the 28th to help me prepare myself for the next program I want to get into.

The kids are healthy and well. We've all got some kind of icky chest cold, but otherwise, we're all fab.

Still seeing my boyfriend. 3 1/3 months so far. Woo hoo.

I've started a new page on my blog so I'll be coming on here much more often. Hopefully I'll start cranking out some new stories as well.

I'm thinking I'll post 5 questions a day until I'm all caught up.

Cheers xo