23 July 2013

Blog Challenge; day twenty six.

If you could give advice to a newbie infertile, what would it be?

I seem to have missed taking this question out when I started the challenge. Because I'm not infertile, haha.

Well, I am now because I got a tubal in April but I wasn't before that.

Definitely not. Considering my son was conceived while I was taking the pill and the time he was conceived, we used a condom.

And although we weren't using condoms when my daughter was conceived, I'd only known her dad a month when I found out I was pregnant. Literally. I started my period, met him, ended my period, had sex with him, BOOM, pregnant.

So I'm kinda super fertile.

If I could give someone advice, though. I supposed it would be "don't give up"?

I've seen a lot of my friends and some family go through unexplained infertility. It always happened for them eventually.

I guess it's just the eventually that's hard to wait for.